Monday, 4 March 2013


Colossus - To be or not to be

Everyone, as promised here is the post about Colossus, who should participate and who should not.

Now get this..... Colossus is an event that consumes a lot of resources and then gives you a Deco Item that you can place in any of your castles. Colossus occupies the same space as a Park or Festive square.

In nutshell, any player that does not have fully developed castles should NOT participate in this event. I have seen people ending up with Colossus that gives them PO below 104. 104 is the PO that a park gives you, so they spend 100 times resources and yet get a PO equal to or less than a park. Initially the PO increases super fast, but after a certain level, it becomes really tough. I think I have donated like more than 2 Million resources till now and the PO of my Colossus is 215.

So, if you are a non ruby player, then if you are participating, ensure that you PO is above 104, or else waste of resources.

If you are a Ruby player, then make sure that the PO of your Colossus is above 190, or else again wastage of resources. You can get 190 PO with Festival Square which occupies same space as Colossus.

A good idea might be to focus on your castle development, rather than going crazy about Colossus. For people like me, who are done building everywhere, it makes sense to make Colossus.


  1. what is the highest PO that can be achieved by building a Colossus

  2. I once had a discussion with someone on the forum and he said his Colossus has 225 PO. I am myself at 216 PO. I think it is very difficult to surpass 225. Highest might be 300, or limit less... But what matters is, how much you can achieve. I think I have donated like 3 Million resources till now for 216 PO.

  3. my collosus has 195points but its a medium sized collosus
    i m on lvl 60
    world Inida1

    1. Hi
      Yaar tujhe kiti baar bataya hia only top 1 or top 3 get best collosus and 150 P O get medium sized

  4. My colosus also had 104 Po but i dint know abouth this and ended up loosing resources as I am already a ruby player.Thanx from next time i cna take care rafey69.

